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LAT International

LAT International cables are designed and manufactured in the USA. AUDUSA have represented LAT in the UK for nearly eighteen years.

LAT AC-3 Signature Power Cord

Now assembled in the UK and available with connectors from Furutech and Oyaide

LAT IC-300 Signature

Recomended with Eichmann Silver RCA and Furutech Rhodium plated RCA connectors

LAT DI 30 Signature Digital Interconnect

Available with phono/AES(XLR)/BNC and other connectors

LAT SS2000 Signature Biwire

New for 2011, the SS2000 Bwire speakers cable

LAT AC-2 Power cord

LAT SS1000 Stereo Speaker cable

LAT Loudspeaker Interlinks

LAT USB Interconnect

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